rosto com efeito glitch

    digital artist

    unity developer

    art director



NTT Data, VR Glass, Data Machina, Phillips, Shell, Wheaton Brasil, Yahsat Brasil, Ministério da Cultura, entre outros

Art Direction

Almap/BBDO, Young&Rubican, Lew'Lara, Ogivy Brasil, entre outras

motion graphics

Natura, Hyundai, Topper, VIVO, Nokia, Pernambucanas, Bradesco, entre outros


“Rogério Lima combines the talent of a great communication professional with the background of specific knowledge in the field, making him an excellent developer of VR, AR, games, and experiences in this vast digital world.”

Debora Tenca

Creative VP - FINO TRATO Eventos

“When I invited Rogerio to speak about VR and Unity at dev community events, I was impressed with his competence and authority in conveying part of his vast knowledge to developers and designers. Since then, I have invited him to mentor at all the hackathons I participate in organizing(…)”

Fernando Rychlewski

Innovation Catalyst at IBM (Worldwide), Community Manager at IBM (Worldwide), Professor & Coordinator at USP / FIA

“I worked with Rogério for a long period when I was the Director of Communication at Avon, and he was the Art Director at Grey. It was an excellent partnership because, besides being very talented, Rogério clearly understood the brand’s DNA and our repositioning strategy. In addition to being an excellent Art Director, Rogério contributed significantly to the strategic part.”

Patricia Chaccur

Marketing Director, Brand Communications, Branding, Content and Digital Consultant, Latin America

“To win a Hackathon, it’s not enough to be a good programmer; you need creativity, agility, and the ability to work in a team. I will just say that he assembled and led the team to victory in the Hackathon.”

Richard Tordoya

Founder of Hackathon Brasil Community and organizer (Lead of Space Apps) of NASA International Space Apps Challenge


Typescript - Blender - Cinema 4d -> Space on the Decentraland platform for NTT Data consultancy.
The environment simulates a sports arena to highlight the company’s values

In the NTT Arena, events were organized where collaborators living in distant locations and
even in other countries could participate and interact with the team even from afar.


Feiras e eventos

Unity3D - Cinema4D - Câmera 360 graus -> Virtual reality applications are widely used by companies as a way to attract visitors to stands at fairs and events.
The immersion caused by the technology is a powerful tool to evoke emotions, simulate processes, and help explain complex concepts.

Virtual tour of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden during the Shell Eco Marathon 2023 event.

Filtros redes sociais

SparkAR - Effect House - Lens Studio - Javascript -> Custom filters for social networks Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Try it:

Scuba Diver
Try it:

Try it:

Geolocalizacão AR

Unity3D - ARCGis -> Augmented reality application for support to field teams of a public utility concession company.


Pins displayed in augmented reality from coordinates saved in ARCGis files. The locations displayed in AR are also shown on a 2D map. It is possible to filter the pins by distance.


“The closest pin takes on a highlight color and displays the distance to the user. It is possible to click on nearby pins to get more information about that location.


“When you click on a pin, a modal with the most relevant information is displayed. A button allows you to download other files associated with that point from the database to your device, such as floor plans or technical drawings.


Unity3D - Graph API - Javascript -> Foosball Game with 3D graphics and realistic physics. It was one of the first Brazilian 3D games published for iOS.
Later, I made a version for Facebook canvas including social interactions through the platform.

Gameplay Canvas Facebook

Gameplay iOS

Web VR

A-frame - HTML - CSS The application above uses a technique called Web-VR. To view it on any VR device, just click here.

Click below and drag to view in 3D.

Galeria de Arte Digital do SESI

Kinect - Unity3D - C#Application using motion capture of contemporary dancers
to control real-time animations displayed on the LED panel on the facade of the SESI building.


The project Das Partes que fazem um todo was selected to be part of the Digital Art Gallery collection of SESI in the institution’s headquarters building on Paulista Avenue in São Paulo.


The performance of the contemporary dancers on the sidewalk of the SESI/FFIESP building was captured by a Kinect motion sensor connected to a computer linked to the SESI network.


The animation displayed on the LED panel on the facade was controlled in real time by the movements of the dancers on the sidewalk. Certain dance steps commanded the change of the graphics.

Game prototypes

About me

Click below and drag to view in 3D.


I was one of the pioneers in virtual reality development in Brazil. I started with the Oculus Rift Developer Kit 1 before it was acquired by Facebook and renamed to Meta Quest.


I am enthusiastic about immersive technologies and have developed various types of applications using virtual and augmented realities. From art projects to industrial applications.


Besides the Oculus Rift and Meta Quest, I have also developed mobile virtual reality work for Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR, and mixed reality for Windows Hololens and PICO 4.